How to properly store your fragrances

How to properly store your fragrances

Perfumes have become an essential dressing table accessory as well as a mandatory component of our daily routine.  Well, why it shouldn't be? Everyone wants to look confident and attract people with an attractive fragrance. For some classy people, scents are not merely an accessory but a lifestyle. People invest a lot of money to buy branded expensive perfumes to get the most charismatic aroma.
But sometimes, the quality of fragrance reduces and you start doubting the services of that particular brand. The fact is, before judging the quality of a brand, the essential point is to analyze where you are storing your fragrances? And what kind of Perfume boxes are these packed in?
Skim down the blog to get information about Perfume boxes designs that help to sustain fragrance and quality of the perfume.

What factors affect the quality of perfume?

There are certain factors affecting the quality of the perfume. Most prominent of them all are:
  • Temperature 
  • Light 
  • Humidity


Heat has an adverse effect on perfume. Heat increases the kinetic energy of particles present in body sprays and scents. This elevation in average kinetic energy bonds between the molecules break and tend to change the aroma of that particular perfume.

As you know, perfumes are a mixture of different chemicals and give specific aroma due to specialized bonding between these particles. An increase in temperature tends to break these bonds and change the composition of perfume and fragrance as well.


Light is also a form of energy, every particle behaves differently when exposed to extreme light. Similarly, molecules present in the perfume behave differently to light and tend to change their orientation. Maybe, this is the reason that the smell of your perfume has changed suddenly. Choose a space away from light.


Mostly a perfume contains non-polar oil dissolving particles. When a scent is kept at a place with lots of humidity then, the water content renders to coagulate around oil particles and form miscalls. Again, this cause changes in the composition of perfume and makes its aroma different too.

Common places people used to store their fragrances- totally wrong:

Bathroom shelves:

Nowadays, most people have contemporary style bathrooms and like to exhibit a long line of perfumes, scents, and body sprays on their bathroom shelves. Poor perfumes are exposed to a tremendous amount of humidity there and expire soon.

Dressing tables:

The second most preferred and favorite place of ladies to store perfumes is none other than the "dressing table". Yeah, dressing table can be thought to be a suitable place but it is highly exposed to light which is not good for perfume’s health as I described earlier.

Best places to store fragrances:

Firstly, always store perfumes along with perfume boxes. The custom designed perfume boxes protect them against heat, light, humidity, and pollution and guarantee a safe and prolonged lifespan.


Cupboards are the optimum place to store fragrances. Because, cupboards are dry, have medium temperature and save from light as well.


Secondly, the fridge is another good option to store your perfume. Here temperature is quite fine, light exposure is medium and humidity is tolerable as well.

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