3 Myths about Perfumes We All Believe but aren't true

March 21, 2019

3 Myths about Perfumes We All Believe but aren't true

Scent tells a lot about a person's personality. Perfume has become a basic component of our beauty routine. Spraying a little bit of a beautiful fragrance makes us feel more confident and charismatic. There are hundreds and thousands of scents available in the market. You can choose your favorite one according to your taste. Well, perfume is not just a fashion accessory; it’s a great gift also for your loved ones. For whom your love will be always fresh and beautiful like the awesome aroma of scents. In this article, I am going to share with you some strikingly interesting myths about perfumes we all believe but aren't true.

3 Most common myths about perfumes:

Have you ever observed the change in the aroma of perfume by the passage of time? When you apply perfume in the morning, its fragrance becomes delicately different in the morning. Studies show it’s due to the effect of your skin's temperature on the molecules of perfume. Moreover, it is also said,
that effectiveness and freshness of ascent also depends upon the place where you have stored it. Are you amazed? Keep reading. I have something even more interesting to share with you.

First Myth

Rubbing wrist makes perfume works longer:

This is a quite common practice that when perfume is applied on the body, it is said to be applied among on both wrists and rubbing enhance its aroma. Scientifically, it is totally wrong. When wrists are rubbed, heat is produced due to friction. This heat changes the confirmation of perfume components and causes a change in the fragrance as well, as most of the particles evaporate. Fact: After applying perfume on your wrists simply tap them gently to get a better result.

Second Myth

Take a test and choose your desired perfume:

Okay, so how you choose a new perfume? The most common practice is, people, apply some perfume on the testing strip, smell it, compare few of them and that's it. A new aroma is chosen without noticing any aroma change. A simple 20-second sniff is not enough to check the aroma of perfume. A perfume is a blend of three notes.

  • The Heart notes
  • The Headnotes
  • The Base notes
All of these notes show different effects of the fragrance of perfume with the passage of time. After analyzing a perfume of a sufficient time period approx 20 minutes will actually tell which aroma it actually has.


To test a new scent take the test strip to your home and sniff at small intervals in order to observe its quality in a better way.

Third Myth

Perfumes never expire:

It's a quite common yet interesting thought that perfumes remain same even after years.


But the fact is, perfumes expire more rapidly than other makeup accessories. Humidity, heat, and light affect the nature of perfume and change its confirmation rapidly. Always, try to store your perfume at a dry and cool place with low light content.You can read more about perfumes at thecustomboxes.com.

Choose the best. Stay happy.

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